Main Window

Main Window

  1. Opens the User Settings window.
  2. Opens the ATIS Configuration window.
  3. Window Controls: Pin Window, Toggle Compact Window, Minimize and Exit.
  4. The ATIS Stations saved to the current Profile. Connected ATIS Stations will display the ATIS letter next to the identifier.
  5. The current ATIS letter. Left mouse-click to increment and right-mouse click to go back to the previous letter.
  6. The METAR for the selected ATIS station.
  7. The current surface wind and altimeter for the ATIS station.
  8. A free-form textbox for Airport Conditions, such as active runways, appraoches in use, etc.
  9. A free-form textbox for NOTAMs.
  10. Opens the Record ATIS dialog if the ATIS station is configured for manual recorded ATIS.
  11. The Presets dropdown list.
  12. The Connect or Disconnect button is used to connect or disconnect the ATIS from the network.