WebSocket API

vATIS provides a websocket interface at ws:// to receive ATIS updates and interact with vATIS. For an example of using the WebSocket interface see the Stream Deck actions for vATIS project. TypeScript type definitions for the messages are also available in that project.

Outgoing messages

The following messages are sent by vATIS to connected clients.


Sent to a specific client in response to a getAtis message, or to all connected clients whenever a property on an ATIS changes. The following value properties are sent:

Property Description Type
altimeter The formatted altimeter reading for the station. string
atisLetter The current ATIS letter. string
atisType The ATIS type. AtisType
isNewAtis True if the ATIS is new and has not been acknowledged by the user. boolean
metar The unparsed METAR for the station. string
networkConnectionStatus The status of the station’s network connection. NetworkConnectionStatus
pressureUnit The unit the pressure is in. PressureUnit
pressureValue The current pressure value as a whole number. number
station The identifier for the station. string
textAtis The text version of the ATIS, if available. string

Example message:

    "type": "atis",
    "value": {
        "networkConnectionStatus": "Connected",
        "station": "KPDX",
        "atisType": "Combined",
        "atisLetter": "A",
        "metar": "METAR KPDX 310153Z 00000KT 10SM FEW027 BKN041 BKN065 07/04 A3038 RMK AO2 SLP285 T00720039",
        "wind": "00000KT",
        "altimeter": "A3038",
        "pressureUnit": "MercuryInch",
        "pressureValue": 3038,
        "isNewAtis": false

Incoming messages

The following messages can be sent to vATIS to trigger state changes or to request state information.


Requests the current ATIS for a specific station or all stations in the loaded profile. The response is an atis message for each matching station.

The following value properties are supported:

Property Description Type
atisType The station type to return. Optional, if omitted defaults to Combined. Only supported when the station property is set. This enables requesting the specific Departure or Arrival ATIS for stations that publish separate ATIS information for arrivals and departures. atisType
station The identifier of the station to get the ATIS for. Optional. If omitted the current ATIS for all stations in the loaded profile will be returned. string

Example message to request the ATIS for all stations in the current profile:

    "type": "getAtis"

Example message to request the ATIS for a specific station that publishes a combined ATIS:

    "type": "getAtis",
    "value": {
        "station": "KPDX"

Example message to request the departure ATIS for a specific station that publishes a split ATIS:

    "type": "getAtis",
    "value": {
        "atisType": "Departure"
        "station": "KPDX",


Acknowledges the ATIS update for a specific station or all stations, clearing the isNewAtis flag and turning off the flashing new ATIS letter in vATIS for the station(s).

The following value properties are supported:

Property Description Type
atisType The station type to acknowledge. Optional, if omitted defaults to Combined. Only supported when the station property is set. This enables acknowledging the specific Departure or Arrival ATIS for stations that publish separate ATIS information for arrivals and departures. atisType
station The identifier of the station to acknowledge. Optional. If omitted all stations in the loaded profile will have the new ATIS acknowledged. string

Example message to acknowledge the ATIS update for all stations in the current profile:

    "type": "acknowledgeAtisUpdate"

Example message to acknowledge the ATIS update for a specific station that publishes a combined ATIS:

    "type": "acknowledgeAtisUpdate",
    "value": {
        "station": "KPDX"

Example message to acknowledge the ATIS update for a specific station that publishes a split ATIS:

    "type": "acknowledgeAtisUpdate",
    "value": {
        "atisType": "Departure"
        "station": "KPDX",


The following types are used in message properties.


Represents the current state of the station’s network connection. Values are:

  • Connected
  • Connecting
  • Disconnected
  • Observer


Indicates whether the ATIS is combined, arrival, or departure. Values are:

  • Arrival
  • Combined
  • Departure


Indicates the unit used for the pressure. Values are:

  • hPa
  • MercuryInch