Text Parsing

The following text parsing rules can be used in the free-form textboxes for Airport Conditions and NOTAMs:


To parse taxiway names, include the acronym TWY or TWYS before the identifier. For example, TWY E16 will be pronounced as “taxiway echo sixteen” by the voice synthesizer.


To parse runway names, include the acronym RWY, RWYS, RUNWAY, or RUNWAYS before the identifier. For example, RWY 25R will be pronounced as “runway two five right” by the voice synthesizer.

Alternatively, you can prefix the runway identifier with a caret symbol (^) and the voice synthesizer will pronounce the runway correctly. For example, ^25R would be read as “TWO FIVE RIGHT.”


To pronounce numbers in group format, prepend an asterisk (*), followed by the number, or enclose the number in braces ({}). For example, *5058 (or {5058}) will be pronounced as “five thousand, fifty-eight.”

If the number should be pronounced as negative, add a dash after the asterisk. For example, *-8 will be pronounced as “minus eight.”

Airport Names

To parse airport identifiers into the airport name, prepend a plus sign (+) before the ICAO identifier. For example, +KLAX will be read as “Los Angeles International Airport” by the voice synthesizer.

To parse navaid identifiers into their names, prepend a plus sign (+) before the navaid identifier. For example, +GBN will be read as “Gila Bend” by the voice synthesizer.


To include a contraction, type the @ symbol, followed by the contraction variable name. As you type, an autocomplete popup menu will display the available contraction options, allowing you to quickly select the desired contraction. See the Contractions section for details on adding a contraction.