Automatic Profile Updates

Facilities can enable automatic profile updates for their users. To enable this functionality, you need to update the profile JSON before publishing it on your website.


Any local changes made to the profile will be overwritten when the profile is updated.

To enable the automatic update functionality, add the following two properties to the profile JSON file:

  "updateUrl": "",
  "updateSerial": 2024121601,

The updated profile will look something like this:

  "name": "Profile Name",
  "id": "3068994d-f5a0-46db-a5d1-9b0fb8e67cc5",
  "updateUrl": "",
  "updateSerial": 2024121601,
  "stations": []

Update URL

The updateUrl property specifies the location where the profile file is hosted. If user’s profile includes this URL, vATIS will compare the locally installed version with the version available at the specified URL. The file must be publicly accessible in order for vATIS to download it.

Update Serial

The updateSerial property is a version identifier based on a date stamp. Incrementing this version number forces vATIS to install the new profile version. The format of this value should be YYYYMMDD##, where ## is a number between 00 and 99. This format allows for multiple updates on the same day in case of corrections or additional changes.