
The temperature element from the METAR.

  • {temp} … The temperature value (e.g. 05)
  • {prefix_symbol} … The symbol indicating the temperature range (+ or -). This can only be used in the text ATIS template.


Prefix positive temperature with “plus” in voice ATIS
When enabled, positive temperatures will be prefixed with the word “plus” in the voice ATIS. For example, “TEMPERATURE PLUS TWO FIVE”.

Speak leading zero in voice ATIS
When enabled, the leading zero will be spoken in the voice ATIS. For example, “TEMPERATURE ZERO SIX”.


You can customize how the temperature is displayed in your text ATIS with the following options:

  • Digit Formatting: Use # to control the number of digits shown. For example, {temp:#} will display only the significant digits, removing the leading zero for values less than 10 (e.g., 8 instead of 08). By default, the temperature will display with two digits.
  • Removing the “M” Prefix: To remove the “M” prefix from negative temperatures, use {temp:M} or {temp:##M}. For example, M05 will display as 05.